Mary was amazing and her staff as well. The food was outstanding! Everyone at our Wedding was ooohhhing and aaahhhing the whole day. The presentation was above and beyond anything I had imagined, and the flavors..... Delicious!!!! I was very clear about local and organic and it made the price higher, but it was worth every penny. We highly recommend her work!
Celtic Wedding Dinner
Hi Mary,
I've been meaning to email you for the longest time, but getting married can make one VERY BUSY! Anyway, we wanted you to know how amazing you were with the catering job you did. As I mentioned to you before, I had been in the restaurant business and worked with caterers and I can honestly say I have never seen a more beautiful display, a more flawlessly set mood or delicious and perfectly suited meal than what you put on for us. You are wonderfully creative. I really do understand the amount of research and preparation you put into all of it, and the end result was superb. You have definitely made your mark with us!